Every so often a question comes up on the school
librarian network (SLN) about where to shelve a particular book within Dewey
which usually ends up in a discussion about the merits, or otherwise, of
various library classification systems. In my library, I use Dewey for my
information books … okay, it’s a simplified version so that I rarely have more
than one number after the decimal point and, in many cases, I’ve used the
lowest common denominator for a section to make it even more abridged but it is
still the basic Dewey system; ten sections categorised loosely by subjects. I also
believe that you have to make it work for your own situation which sometimes
means putting a book where it will be found rather than religiously adhering to
the “correct” Dewey number; for example, does a book on Tudor theatres go into
the history section on Tudors, with your Shakespeare resources or amongst the
drama books?
I have to admit that I have very little recollection of
ever using Dewey myself, either in my school or public library. I must have
done but all I knew then was that if I looked up a book in the card index, it
would tell me the number where I’d find that book on the shelves. I also knew
that I’d find other similar, possibly useful, books near it. These days, give me a subject and I can tell you, if
not the exact number, then roughly where you’ll find it. It’s not that I’ve
learnt these numbers by heart, despite the belief of many of my students, but
that working with them all day for several years has resulted in me absorbing
them by osmosis.
Dewey isn’t complicated. It basically divides all
information resources into ten areas according to the subject matter. And, after I’ve introduced this concept to my
year 7s, shown them the subject index and given them an exercise on finding
books on specific subjects, very few of them have problems understanding how it
works – I also think they rather like being able to come into the Library, use
the subject index and find a relevant book without my intervention. This gives
them confidence and empowers them as library users and, for those who will go
on to FE or HE, skills to enable them to find information in much larger
But is Dewey the best classification system for school
libraries? Would we serve our users better by adopting an alternative system? …
and make no mistake, we have to have some sort of system otherwise no-one would
be able to find anything (though it would make reshelving quite quick and
One alternative would be to shelve by curriculum
subject (and many years ago I remember going into the children’s section at Guildford
public library and discovering that this is exactly what they did, using
coloured stickers). That’s fine for subjects that have very clear demarcations
but what do you do regarding cross-curricular resources? Books on energy
sources that are used by both Geography and Science and never Technology (even
though that’s where you’d find them under Dewey). And what about books that
don’t come under any curriculum area but are used by a certain department? I
have a collection of books on pets that are well used during an English project
yet they certainly aren’t anywhere near the Dewey sections for English
A further arrangement that has been suggested is to
shelve information books by year group according to the topic being studied
during each term; so you’d have Roman books on the shelf labelled Year 7
History Autumn term and Pop Art on the Year 9 Art Spring term shelf.
I guess teachers would like this arrangement – it would
be quick and easy for them to just pop into the Library and grab the pile of
relevant books. It would also mean that if you had a specific class in for a
research lesson then they wouldn’t have to waste time browsing the shelves
looking for books but could all just go to the appropriate section. And those
students who were lazy and couldn’t be bothered looking up the Dewey number
would also be well served. You’d not have to bother making up resource boxes
and your issue statistics might also go up. But is this the sole reason we have
information resources? I know one of our functions is to support the curriculum
but we also exist for a lot of other reasons. And we all know that issue
statistics do not reflect book use. In fact, it would be quite easy to increase
our stats artificially … not that I’m saying we should spend a couple of hours
each week issuing and returning books to random students, but you get my point?
By arranging our resources in this way, are we actually
doing the students any favours? Or are we just adding to the “spoon feeding”
culture in education that focuses on targets and results, and not equipping
students with the research skills needed to function effectively in
society? Arranging resources in this way
may have some advantages but I think the disadvantages outweigh these: what of
those year 9 boys who are fascinated or obsessed by a topic that happens to be
part of the year 7 curriculum, are they going to borrow books from a shelf
labelled for younger students? And what about cross-curricular subjects,
something I’ve already talked about. Not to mention all those resources that
link with personal interests and hobbies that aren’t covered by the curriculum
… the list is endless … cars, aliens, dragons, zombies, extreme sports, horse
riding, ice hockey, wrestling … Libraries should be for discovery. For wandering around and browsing and finding something intriguing, strange, unusual, something that you probably wouldn’t find if you just went to the “curriculum section” for your year group. When I do my Dewey exercise with year 7s, I have them roving around all over the place and it’s surprising how many “find” books that they then borrow … books on things that they’re already into but that they “never realised I had these in the Library” or books on something that “just looked interesting so I’m going to borrow it.” This is how we nurture children’s imaginations, dreams, aspirations … by letting them discover for themselves.
The world is full of systems; if I want to buy macaroni
then I know I have to go to the pasta section of my local supermarket. Which
isn’t much different from knowing that if I want a book on castles then I have
to go to the section on buildings and architecture …